

I might seem weird by saying this but my favorite holiday is Halloween. Yes people, though I'm a happy go lucky person, enjoys wrapping gifts, love Jesus, being with family, long vacations, etcetera, etcetera. Actually, I can make a list of reasons to enjoy Christmas holidays but I can't find a single reason not like Halloween. Though I haven't attended a Halloween ball/ big party and I'm really a scared cat when it comes to ghost stories, but I always dress up and have a little family affair/ mini party during Halloween. I dunno, I just love making candle balls however hot that liquid from a candle is. I love leading the praying of the rosary then we'll give respect to our love ones who passed away then we'll eat.

Okay, let me show you how I prepare myself during Halloween which I really, really enjoyed doing.

This is me looking like a complete idiot. Just kidding, I'm just testing my camera.

The creepy Mr. Jack-'O-Lantern and the joke Ms. Ayra. No seriously, look at my expression. I don't seem afraid nor happy; I'm in between.

And the mask parade has begun.

This mask is a year old already. I made this mask for our humanities presentation last year but I wasn't given a chance to wear it and I'm glad I wore it this year.

I'm thinking of what would be my next pose?

The one who made it to the cut to be my next FACEBOOK PROFILE PICTURE! YeY!

I can see in my magic ball that you would be rich.
(NOTE: that's just a lampshade so don't believe me. Hahaha)

These are some additional photos I took today in addition to my Halloween article.

The sleeping zombie princess

wooh! I'm awake!

and now I see some food. hmmm.. yummy!

and now I'm ready to sleep again. Good night!