
Distressed Head

Sometimes, the devil can get into our heads and talk us down. He tells us that we are not good enough, we messed up again, and we'll never do anything right.
And you know what? He's right.

Its the truth! What are we without Jesus? Nothing. We can't do this on our own. We are dirty, rotten sinners.

But you know what, we have a big God who doesn't want this state for His children. Remember, the Old Testament is there to show us that we can't do it on our own. That's why Jesus came!

So the next time the devil is trying to tell you whatever, instead of letting it get you down, let it point to Jesus.

If he's telling you that you are not good enough, then be like, "Yes! I am not good enough! But thank you Jesus that by your sacrifice You have made perfect forever those who being made holy!" (Hebrews 10:14)

If he's reminding you that you messed up again, be like, "Yes, I did! But thank you Jesus that your grace is sufficient and your power is made perfect in my weakness!" (2 Corinthians 12:9)

If he's telling you that you'll never do anything right, be like, "Yes, I won't! But thank you Jesus that by grace I am saved through faith, and not through works!" (Ephesians 2:8-9)

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. --Philippians 4:13